- Connecting with Peninsula people for Jesus

Well another month has gone and we are into Spring. The flowers are out and the trees are growing their leaves.

It is so beautiful to see the colour and the beauty that our God has provided for us.

I have been considering Colossians 3:23-24 these last few days. Paul tells us that we should do whatever we do with all our heart, as working for the Lord.

We often don’t think about what we are doing each day as being, ‘to the Lord’, but that is exactly what it is. When we belong to Jesus, our life is tied to Him and He has provided so much for us, life, beauty, provision and many small blessings each and every day. Every breath we take is a gift from God.

Jesus never leaves us! The Holy Spirit never leaves us! We always have someone there with us to talk to, to encourage us, strengthen us and walk with us.

In Le Fevre we have such a heart for community, for showing the love and doing the work Jesus has set for us.

Let’s all rejoice in what we do for our Saviour who has given so much for us.

