- Connecting with Peninsula people for Jesus

I went down to Largs for an Aboriginal “Survival Day “ gathering on January 26th, put on by Kura Yerlo . We experienced a welcome to country, smoking ceremony and dance. It was a significant time celebrating Aboriginal Culture. The night before I watched the Australian of the year awards and was delighted to hear how service to others is the lynch pin of the awards. Rosemary Kariuki an African women is assisting migrant women,  Grace Tame is an advocate for people surviving sexual assault, Isobel Marshall is tackling menstruation  poverty, Dr Miriam Rose Ungunmerr Baumann is an aboriginal women advocating for us to learn about  Dadirri – deep listening to help bring healing to people  and the earth. During this time of the pandemic – it brought hope to hear how people are caring and helping their community.

Service to others is also the lynch pin of Christian life and witness. Our Op Shop, Coffee Shop , Library, Stretch & Balance , Emergency Relief Centre, Music Together, all witness to the mission of God  by the Lefevre Uniting Church. Our Christian witness also involves contemplation, prayer and being part of a worshiping community. Jesus encouraged us to share community prayer with one another “Where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name .”

Joan Evers has led Centring prayer on Wed. Mornings for many years now –it’s very simple – but coming to silence and invoking the love of God in our lives – is very helpful. The Christian meditation society recommends we sit in silence and repeat the Aramaic Word “ Ma-ra-na-tha”  over and over …. And this will  bring us peace .

All  the traditions of the world have contemplative practices to help restore our souls and still our minds and ego .”Be still and know that I am God”. As people, we need action as well as contemplation to keep us healthy and in balance. As we age, worship, contemplation and prayer become even more important to our lives. 

Shalom dear friends Shalom.

Rev Frances