- Connecting with Peninsula people for Jesus

Dear friends,

Its Spring time again! The days are getting longer and the birds are singing.

It’s been two years this September since I first came to the Lefevre Uniting Church.

I remember having difficulty trying to find the church on a dark night, not sure where to go, to meet with the JNC members. The way Military Rd does a dog’s- leg was confusing, but the beach and foreshore was a constant and I remembered it from taking my dad to the Sailmaster for Sunday lunches!

Somethings change in our lives, whilst others are constant. The constants keep us grounded and help us navigate the changes.

The portal in the church hall with its bright colours was a surprising and memorable feature. It has been a constant for a long time. I wish you could see the delight on the children’s faces looking at the fish at the Music Together Sessions on Wednesday morning!

We have much to be thankful for at Lefevre Uniting Church. We have missional hearts to share the love of God and this is bearing fruit through all of our missional activities. What a surprise to see all the mission we are engaging in, written up on the whiteboard at our recent Congregational meeting: Thank you everyone for your participation. Coffee Shop, ERC , Op Shop, Library ( Inside and Street )Worship, Pastoral Care, Schools Ministry Group, Covenanting with our Aboriginal brothers and sisters ,Friendship Group, Centring Prayer, Bible Study, Music Together, Stretch &Balance, Butterfly Garden, Weightwatchers, Sponsorship of our : Mwandi Orphan, Frontier Services, Christmas Bowl, Uniting Care, Bunnings, Community Lunches, Cancer Council (Longest morning tea) and Prayer. .

At the heart of our mission is respectful and loving relationship- with the Lord and with one another.
Saint Paul reminds us in the letter to the Galatians ( ch.5 ) “ the only thing that counts for anything is faith working through love and further more we are to “love our neighbours as ourselves”.
Over these past 2 months in the gospel of Matthew we have been reminded of what discipleship consists of: it’s not always an easy or smooth road- in fact it may be fraught with danger. But when we keep our eyes upon Jesus, we find the calm at the eye of the storm as he stretches out a hand to us.

I have found that whenever we are persecuted for Christ’s sake, we can take comfort in the gospel stories of liberation, resurrection and transformation Shalom my friends shalom.

During this season of COVID, I pray brothers and sisters in Christ, that you and your loved ones will be safe, healthy and grow in your faith through Jesus Christ – our friend, Saviour and redeemer. Amen