- Connecting with Peninsula people for Jesus

Thank you everyone for your warm welcome.

I really appreciated all the effort made for my Induction service and my family and friends commented on the lovely afternoon that they “enjoyed”.

Rev Nicholas Rundle who is a chaplain at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital spoke about the joy in giving service . Indeed Jesus reminded us in the Bible reading from Mark (9:33-37)  that the one who desires to be the closest to God – is the one who serves others- and that includes the children. Last Sunday we had an unexpected number of children ( 9 ) and during the last song “ Jesus put this song into our hearts” the children joined in a ‘circle ‘ dance and then disappeared into the hall for the delicious afternoon tea.

We had a special “celebration” cake for those who had a significant birthday or anniversary on the weekend. ( Pictured) The cake was decorated with  huge strawberries dipped in chocolate (checked for safety) and these were very popular with the children.

The women from Seeds of Affinity came to support me and also held a stall to raise funds for their programs. Thank you for your generous donations and support. They support my volunteer prison ministry at the Adelaide Women’s Prison and I hope you will too.   I believe all churches are called to support prison ministry in some way, because of the passage in Matthew 25: 35-36 What ever we do for the most vulnerable people – we do for Christ.

I have found that when we give out of our abundance we experience such joy.

Being at Lefevre Uniting Church brings me such joy because my father Desmond, who passed on in Feb. this year  loved to be “beside the sea”. I look forward to helping to make Le Fevre Uniting ‘ the place to come for a good read,  a good cup of coffee, friendship, hospitality and thanksgiving , in the Love of God.  Everyone needs a place of  community- a place to feel welcome  and accepted , a place where there is someone they can trust to express their deepest concerns.  We hope Lefevre Connections will bring new life for the community.

I give thanks to Brian Dunstan for his wise counsel and also my family and friends who helped in my discernment to come here- my husband Peter and of course God – who gives us the Holy Spirit – the wise counsellor inside all of us . God’s Holy Spirit – the spirit of goodness, kindness, wisdom and life- guides us all throughout our lives. It is a power we cannot see and we have to listen carefully and discern its voice amongst the many others that crowd our minds.

Its good to remember: God’s voice is always uplifting, loving, kind, patient , consistent , transparent and stands up against scrutiny.

When we learn to listen to God’s Holy Spirit in our lives : this brings us peace, deepens our faith and gives us hope.

This is my prayer for all of us, our loved ones , our  community and our world – to find peace, to make peace and to uphold peace.

The peace of the Lord be with you .

God bless you and your loved ones.

Rev. Frances