- Connecting with Peninsula people for Jesus

As we enter into March the season of Epiphany comes to a close and we enter into a season of reflection – Lent- the 40 days before Easter. .

I wonder what new insights about God you may have discovered during the season of Epiphany?

Where have you noticed God’s love particularly shining a light into your life?

We know God in so many ways, especially in supportive relationships and loving community. We are very blessed to have such a community at the Lefevre Uniting Church.

It was discerned some time ago that as a church we wanted to develop  into a community hub , so that people from the neighbourhood and surrounds would come and find a place of welcome. It is great to hear laughter, meet new people and see people enjoying themselves.

The coffee shop continues to gain momentum with its friendly atmosphere, great  coffee and delicious  food at reasonable prices and a wonderful  library to find a good book. Thank you everyone for your generosity and Christian love and witness.

Jesus taught us that it is people who matter most of all , so as a church, we are in the people business.  To care, share, listen, bless, help and learn together.  I would like to affirm that the people of this church are its most valuable asset.

I pray that we can go forward to realise our mission in making the Lefevre Church a hub for community connections in Christ’s love. God bless you all abundantly and may the light of his love open your hearts, minds and souls to the power of his healing grace.

Rev Frances.