Spring is in the air !
Spring reminds us of resurrection ( new life ) , that Jesus has promised us .
New life is all around us and it’s a good spiritual practise to spend time in nature, in the garden and appreciate the abundance we have been given. Have you noticed anything new growing in your garden ?
In the park near where I live, tiny purple wild orchids are appearing. Nature is amazing and so is God who gives us life. God’s Holy Spirit is like breath or air, blessing us and giving us life. Jesus showed us this. In the gospel of John (20 :22 ) Jesus breathed on his disciples and gave them the Holy Spirit. Jesus showed us how to bless others with our lives, offer forgiveness and find peace. As Christians we can make this a daily practice.
Remembrance Day
This year is the Centenary of the end of World War 1. We will have a special Remembrance Day Service .
I pray we will always give thanks for the peace, freedom , democracy and justice that we enjoy, that was won at such a high cost . Standing up against oppression , corruption and evil is not easy – Jesus gave his life – as others have done after him – in love – to give us a better life . May we always pray for our defence force, as we remember and work together for peace and give our thanks.
Lest we forget. Amen .
God bless.
Rev. Frances Bartlett