In October we pray for:
- Our Moderator, Rev. Sue Ellis, for wisdom, strength and good health as she represents our Church in SA on many boards and committees as well as visiting as many congregations as possible and her work in Synod Office.
- Pastoral Care Workers at Schools in the Port Adelaide area including Vicki Woods, at North Haven Primary School. We pray for wisdom and witness in their support for children, parents and staff.
- Scott and Rachel Litchfield, with Elliot and Tennyson, (Thailand and Cambodia) and Jon and Lyndell Paschke with Joel and Ben (Vanuatu); are two families who are settling back into life in Australia and working in ministry here. Scott and Rachel continue their work with Inter Serve while Jon and Lyndell work in parish ministry at the Lighthouse Church in Geralton. Cultural reintegration can sometimes be difficult and emotional. Pray for these families, and particularly for the seperation of the families because of educational or other needs.
- Church members and their families.
- Members of our community who are ill, recovering from illness or awaiting hospitalisation.
- Members of our community who are grieving.